Learn & Grow/Lifestyle/5 Mindfulness Exercises for Seniors

5 Mindfulness Exercises for Seniors

One of the greatest gifts of being older is the resilience you develop from experiencing the ups and downs of life. However, even if you’re tough as nails, sometimes unfamiliar situations have the potential to spike your stress levels. To expand your stress management techniques, here are five mindfulness exercises that can help you stay calm in any challenging situation.  

What is Mindfulness?

Rooted in ancient Buddhist practices, mindfulness is the act of being aware of your physical sensations, emotions, and surrounding environment in the present moment. As a mindful person, you observe these aspects with curiosity and self-compassion, but without judgment and impulsive action. Mindfulness encourages calmness, which helps reduce your stress and heightened emotional state.  

How Does Mindfulness Benefit Seniors?

Mindful exercises can be leveraged to improve your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Studies have shown mindfulness exercises can help alleviate many common mental and physical health issues. The combination of meditation and breathing exercises can not only help reduce stress, but may also slow down the development of dementia-related diseases. Mindful practices can also help with managing pain

Mindfulness Exercises:

Fortunately, it’s easy to incorporate mindfulness exercises into your daily routine. Here are some of the most popular mindfulness activities for seniors.

Body Scan

A body scan is a type of meditation exercise in which you mentally check in to different parts of your body, especially areas that are experiencing pain or tension. This practice increases your self-awareness, helping you better connect with your body and reduce your pain and stress levels.

Walking Meditation

Sitting isn’t the only way to meditate. Walking meditations can add movement to your meditation practice. It allows you to connect with your body and become aware of the physical sensations that occur when you walk. With each step, focus on how your feet are moving and the slow breaths you take after 15 consecutive steps. If your mind starts to wander, gently guide it back to focus on your walking. However, be sure to consult with a physician before beginning any new exercise routine.

Practice Being in the Moment

Why is “living in the moment” so important? It helps you focus, reduces your stress levels, and can improve your problem-solving abilities. There are many ways to practice being in the moment including: noticing your surroundings, focusing on one task at a time, and accepting situations as they are. 

Focus on your Breathing

Taking deep breaths can do wonders for your health. Not only does this practice bring more oxygen to your bloodstream, it lowers the body’s stress hormone known as cortisol. There are a multitude of breathing techniques you can incorporate into your daily routine. Ask your doctor or mental health practitioner if they can recommend any breathing exercises.

Connect with Nature

Take a break from noisy city life and become more at one with nature. With less environmental distractions and the beauty of nature surrounding you, it’s easy to experience a sense of tranquility. And who doesn’t need a little tranquility now and then?

Practice Your Calm at Claridge Court

Your lifestyle can play a huge role in how often you encounter stressful situations. If you are looking to add more convenience and calm to your life, consider a visit to Claridge Court. Curate a new, carefree lifestyle that prioritizes your interests, hobbies, and health with access to resort-style amenities. It’s easy to live mindfully at Claridge Court! To find out why, contact us and see the community for yourself.

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